Pra Somdej Ya Wasana Pim Yai Ok Rong 2513 BE - Luang Pu Tim - Wat Laharn Rai

Pra Somdej Pim Yai Ok Rong Luang Pu Tim - Nuea Pong Ya Wasana Jinda Manee Klueab Yang - Luang Phu Tim (Released at Wat Pai Lom in 2513 BE)

This is a recognized official member of the 'Pra Chud Luang Pu Tim', made in 2513, and released at Wat Pai Lom 2514 BE) This amulet is classifiable as a 'Pra Anuraks' (Conservation Class Model Amulet) of the Dtamra Luang Phu Tim, of Wat Laharn Rai (Rayong).This classic competition class amulet is a well known category of competition entry, and a popular show-piece for serious collectors.

Above and beyond this, the amulet is an authentic Sacred Buddha Image blessed and made in 2513 by Luang Pu Tim, released in 2514, in a ceremony held at Wat Pai Lom in Rayong Province (one of the Luang Pu Tim lineage temples).

This edition featured Pra Somde amulets in white and brown powders, in various models (Pim), Pra Luang Por Dto, Pra Pong Nang Kwak, and various other Sacred Powder Amulets such as Pra Nang Paya, Pra Ha Tat, Pra Pid Ta, and other famous Benjapakee style and Pra-Kru style amulets.

was empowered by Luang Pu Tim of Wat Laharn Rai. The amulet was made in 2513, but released one year later in 2514 BE, after a second Buddha Abhiseka ceremony at Wat Pai Lom. An extremely recommendable collectors piece for your personal museum, for its high Puttakun value, but still affordable price compared to many other models, such as the Rian Jaroen Porn and the Rian Sema Luang Phu Tim.

Who knows how much longer these Amulets will remain at an affordable price? At the latest, when the other preferred editions are already snapped up, then, these famous and sacred amulets, will also begin to raise their standard price, and eventually fall out of reach of all but the richest collectors.

The Famous 'Yant Ha' (Yant Pra Jao Ha Pra-Ongk), of Luang Pu Tim is embossed in relief into the rear face of this most classic, rare, sacred, powerful, but still affordable Pra Kru amulet.

The event was performed with Luang Pu Tim presiding over the empowerment and Buddha Abhiseka ceremony.

Containing his famous Muan Sarn Sacred Powders that are now legendary and priceless the world over. This particular exhibit has surprisingly never entered into competition, but is in our opinion worthy of a prizewinning status and would easily take the buiscuit in its category in any and all but the most high end competitions of world class category. It can stand its ground against many an amulet ten times the price, and would be proud to be worn by even the Multi Millionaire, simply because of its Class, Status and Revered Master Monk who made and blessed it.

Officially catalogued and admitted into the top prize-giving competitions, this is a perfect amulet to begin on a smaller budget to enter into the High End Category of Thai Buddhist Amulet collectorship, and competition grade amulets for entry into the world of Pro-Collector Sacred Ancient Amulets of the First Class.

There are many different colored mineral derived elemental substances, which give the amulet an inimitable appearance when you exmaine the surface textures to find the different components of the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders within the amulet, and if present, can authenticate and confirm its validity.

The amulet should be known to have a glaze coating of herbal sap-type resin, which is part of the knowledge needed for authentication. Some example will have reddish like stains, which results from some amulets having received a thicker coat of the herbal lacquer.

The amulets are made from a Muan Sarn Sacred Powders composed of a large variety of sacred clay earths, herbal pollens and powders, and Puttakun powder. Herbs and Sacred ingredients with all sorts of different blessings and powers were added to gif a complete range of blessings.

Luang Phu Tim Issarago of Wat Laharn Rai is perhaps most famous for his Pra Khun Phaen Prai Kumarn, and his ultra powerful and now totally depleted at the temple ‘Pong Prai Kumarn’ powders, used in his famous Pra Khun Phaen amulets and Look Om Pong Prai Kumarn

Luang Phu Tim stands amongst the top ten Guru masters of Thai Amulet History, and Hence, this amulet can only be recommended for its status, sacred value, magical power, artistic appreciation, and collectorship value.

Especially considering how low its price is compared to other amulets from this master, and the added benefit that this amulet is accepted just as easily into competition, as other amulets of a much, much higher price entry level.

The amulet was made in both white powders and also in Ya Wasana Jinda Manee powders, which have a reddish-brown clay-like appearance. The brown-red versions were given a coat of ‘Yant’ (a glaze lacquer). These versions should be known to have a glaze coating of herbal sap-type resin, which is part of the recognition factors useful for knowledge needed for authentication. Some example will have reddish like stains, which results from some amulets having received a thicker coat of the herbal lacquer.

The amulets are made from a Muan Sarn Sacred Powders composed of a large variety of sacred clay earths, herbal pollens and powders, and Puttakun powder. Herbs and Sacred ingredients with all sorts of different blessings and powers were added to gif a complete range of blessings.

Luang Pu Tim Issarago of Wat Laharn Rai is perhaps most famous for his Pra Khun Phaen Prai Kumarn, and his ultra powerful and now totally depleted at the temple ‘Pong Prai Kumarn’ powders, used in his famous Pra Khun Phaen amulets and Look Om Pong Prai Kumarn

Luang Pu Tim stands amongst the top ten Guru masters of Thai Amulet History, and Hence, this amulet can only be recommended for its status, sacred value, magical power, artistic appreciation, and collectorship value.

Especially considering how low its price is compared to other amulets from this master, and the added benefit that this amulet is accepted just as easily into competition, as other amulets of a much, much higher price entry level.

Find this most pristine, sacred and ultra collectible amulet in Ajarn Spencer Littlewood's personal Hobby Collection store; Ancient Amulet
Palad Khik Hua Chamot – Civet Head Magic Charm Hand Carved from Holy Wood – Luang Por Jidt

A perfect solution to those seeking the Palad Khik Hua Chamot of Luang Por Pina, but who can either not find an authentic one, or can not afford such an extravagant item.

The Palad Khik was made in two different sizes, portable and large Bucha size for hanging in the place of business, automobile, or home (or wearing if you like large amulets)

The whole surface of the Palad Khik has recieved individual Hand Inscription of Khom Agkhara Spells from Luang Por Jidt. The gemstone Eyes are previously and individually empowered likewise.

Palad Khik Hua Chamot Large Version - Civet Head Animist Charm with Red Gemstone Eyes - Hand Carved Holy Wood 5 Inch Long - Luang Por Jidtr
$235 U.S.

Ancient Amulet - Thai Sacred Amulets and Charms

Ancient Amulet presents the best authentic auspicious blessings with Thai Sacred Amulets selected from our prefferred afilliates.